Utah Shakespeare Festival Trip 2024


  • $1,500.00  -  Single
  • $2,500.00  -  Couple


Utah Shakespeare Festival
Cedar City, UT


Join the Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival for a long weekend in Cedar City, Utah, to experience the Utah Shakespeare Festival!


Join the Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival for a long weekend in Cedar City, Utah, to experience the Utah Shakespeare Festival
Price includes: Hotel, travel, tickets to 6 shows, exclusive meet and greets, scheduled itinerary, and tour guide!
  • Transportation will be together by passenger van, gas is included in the price. It is about a 4.5 hour drive to Cedar City.
  • The itinerary is still being built, but will include the 6 shows we are seeing, talk backs and meet and greets with actors, suggestions for Cedar City attractions, hikes and sightseeing, etc.
  • Meals are not included with the price except breakfast at the hotel, but the hotel is within walking distance of the theater as well as many great restaurants! 
Marketing Director Hannah Fontes will be the tour guide. Hannah lived in Cedar City for four years, and loves Cedar dearly. She even worked for USF for several of those years! The itinerary will be built more specifically once all 8 slots are full and we know everyone’s preferences and accessibility levels!
Contact hfontes@flagshakes.org with any questions.
August 22
2 pm: Much Ado About Nothing
8 pm: Henry 8
August 23
2 pm: The Mountaintop*
8 pm: Winter's Tale
August 24
2 pm: Silent Sky
8 pm: Taming of the Shrew
We will travel Wednesday afternoon, August 21, and arrive by around 8 pm that night. We will leave Sunday morning, August 25, around 10 am to be home around 4 pm.
*Content Advisory: An inspirational historical fiction, this play includes explicit language including several uses of the "f" word, uses of an offensive racial slur, and mature themes regarding infidelity, sexual content, and violence.